Join The Friends of Palmer Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 817 6890 2885
Passcode: 562396
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+13126266799,,81768902885#,,,,*562396# US (Chicago)
Welcome and Introductions
FOP Updates
Chipotle Restaurant Night SUCCESS!
In-person learning starts Monday 3/1
Face/Desk Shields have been delivered
Teacher Face Shields were dropped off at school in December
Desk Shields were shipped and delivered middle of January
New/Upcoming Business
Restaurant Nights
Wendy’s 3/11 (Jen)
Start Advertising
Pollo Compero-April or May
Launched Sunday 2/21/21 (Nikki)
Great START- $1680 and 465min read so far
Business Sponsorships (Nicole)
Facilities Update/Community Share Out
Principal Updates