Join us for the Friends of Palmer virtual monthly meeting.
Join The Friends of Palmer Zoom Meeting
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Meeting ID: 762 7512 6824
Meeting Agenda
Welcome and Introductions
FOP Updates
Donor’s Choose- FOP donated/funded (approx. $350.00)
Ms. Klinger-Representation Matters
Ms. Johnston-Diversity is Beautiful and Powerful
Colectivo Successfully Finalized
Smooth sorting/delivering
Orders to be delivered by Friday 12/18/20 the latest
Thank you to all volunteers
New/Upcoming Business
Restaurant Nights
January Trivia Night-1/21/20
Zoom (Steph)
Time, Ticket price, Advertising
Teachers Grants – hopefully late winter (Jill)
Facilities Update/Community Share Out
Greenspace (Nicole)
Triangle play-space
GRG play-space
Speed Humps (Nicole)
Principal Updates (Ms. Dixon)
Safely returning
PPE Concerns